Radiology information of patients in health services: Challenges, problemes and technological solutions




Information systems, Hospital information systems, Radiology information systems, Radiation protection, Patient safety, Health information, Health documentation.


The information systems departments of European health services have the challenge of creating a dose record and reporting system of doses from medical procedures for its inclusion in the patient´s medical history, in compliance with Directive 2013/59 Euratom, which determines the obligation to manage the measurement and evaluation of the doses as well as the evaluation of the risk associated therewith. It is important the fact that this information must be universal, because the main objective is that every patient be able to access all information about medical radiology exposures regardless of the equipment, center or organization where it has been performed. In this aerticle the main technological challenges and problems are presented and basic solutions are described to be applied in developing environments of record systems using the learned experience in the project for the measurement of doses derived from radiology explorations in Spain.


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Author Biographies

Jesús M. Doña-Fernández, Servicio Andaluz de Salud. Universidad Nacional a Distancia

Responsable de sistemas, comunicaciones e infraestructuras TIC de la provincia de Málaga en el Sistema Andaluz de Salud. Profesor-tutor en la titulación de Informática en la Universidad Nacional a Distancia.

Rafael Ruiz-Cruces, Universidad de Málaga

Facultad de Medicina, Centro de Investigaciones Médico Sanitarias. Universidad de Málaga, España

2Facultad de Medicina, Centro de Investigaciones Médico Sanitarias. Universidad de Málaga, España

Sergio Cañete-Hidalgo, Universidad de Málaga

Unidad de Protección Radiológica. Servicios Centrales de Apoyo a la Investigación, Universidad de Málaga, España


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How to Cite

Doña-Fernández, J. M., Ruiz-Cruces, R., & Cañete-Hidalgo, S. (2018). Radiology information of patients in health services: Challenges, problemes and technological solutions. Profesional De La información, 27(4), 921–927.