Development and establishment of video on demand (VOD) in Spain: The case of Filmin
Video on demand, VOD, Audiovisual distribution, Business models, Release windows, Catalogue, Cinema, Spanish cinema, Media, EuroVoD, Filmin.Abstract
The introduction of VOD in Spain has been a slow process. The sector has developed over the last few years with international projects like Netflix and HBO and national operators such as Movistar+ and Vodafone One. Also prominent at a national level is Filmin, a project with its origins in the Spanish film industry. In this article we examine the main elements which have enabled VOD to become established in Spain and analyze the case of Filmin as an alternative model based on three variables: a) catalogue and editorial policy; b) business model and lines; c) internationalization strategy. The most significant results deriving from the Filmin case study are: its specialization in independent film and its focus on European audiovisual content; its role as a portal and rights management company; its internationalization strategy initially associated with Media and EuroVoD; and distinguishing features such as simultaneous releases, alliance with and creation of festivals and its commitment to in-house production.
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