Automated-content generation using news-writing bots and algorithms: Perceptions and attitudes amongst Spain´s journalists
Artificial intelligence, Automation, Bots, Newsmaking, Journalistic profession, Journalists, Online journalism.Abstract
Algorithms, bots and automation for news articles generation. The combination of these concepts, elements and processes is affecting journalism as a profession, which is going through a particularly tumultuous period as artificial intelligence (AI) begins to occupy a field traditionally dominated by the human factor. This research provides a world map featuring media, agencies and companies that use automation to generate information. Moreover, we looked into the perception of this phenomenon in Spain through a survey with chartered professional associations, associations of journalists and unions where 366 journalists provided a picture of the current situation within the country. Our findings prove that there is a deep lack of understanding amongst Spanish journalists about how AI can have a direct impact on journalism as a profession. Automated journalism will not stop gaining ground, as evidenced by 50 projects featured on our media world map.
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Additional Files
- CV de los autores (Español (España))
- Fotografía Carlos Toural (Español (España))
- Fotografía Santiago Cacheiro (Español (España))
- Fotografía Miguel Túñez (Español (España))
- Enlace a fuente original de los gráficos (Español (España))
- Imagen de gráfico 1 (Español (España))
- Imagen de gráfico 2 (Español (España))
- Imagen de gráfico 3 (Español (España))
- Imagen de gráfico 4 (Español (España))
- Archivo con 5 frases destacadas (Español (España))
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