The use of chatbots for information automation in Spanish media




Bots, Chatbots, Automation, Spanish media, Conversation systems, Artificial intelligence.


Chatbots developed on private messaging platforms are a simple tool that allow direct and personalized communication with the public. They have many advantages thanks to the possibility of automating the process of production and distribution of content, and even to follow real time events or live news. Progressively, media are adapting their strategies to use chatbots. This research presents the results of a focus group with professional experts from seven major Spanish media that aims to learn about the bot phenomenon. Results reveal that the media are at an early stage in the adoption of this technology, although they have successful experiences on specific issues or linked to specific events such as the coverage of elections or sports events. Chatbots are addressed to millennials from 25 to 35 years old, very active, who demand specific contents.


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Author Biographies

Paula Herrero-Diz, Universidad Loyola Andalucí­a

Profesora Asistente en la Universidad Loyola Andalucí­a, Dpto. de Comunicación y Educación.

David Varona-Aramburu, Universidad Loyola Andalucí­a

Profesor adjunto en el departamento de Educación y Comunicación de la Universidad Loyola Andalucí­a


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How to Cite

Herrero-Diz, P., & Varona-Aramburu, D. (2018). The use of chatbots for information automation in Spanish media. Profesional De La información, 27(4), 742–749.