Panorama and challenges of communicative mediation in the scenario of the so-called smart automation




Communicative mediation, High technology applied to communication, Smart automation, Infomediation, Network society, Technologies, Skills, Communication.


The impact of what is known as high technology, which is based on cyber-physical systems that, first and foremost, combine physic infrastructure with software, sensors, nanotechnology and digital technology of communication, sets the different ways of communicative mediation in a new setting. Cybernation has entered the communicative ecosystem and is becoming more and more prominent, which reshapes the models of infomediation (understood as mediation and intermediation) and demands renewed technological competences and skills to the professional profiles of information and communication. In this paper, the context of the technological development in the field of communication is, preferably, analized from the digital origin. The starting point is situated for this new panorama which, parallel to smart automation, can be foreseen for infomediation. Some of the main challenges that are distinguished in the immediate scenario for the professional mediators are also identified.


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How to Cite

López-Garcí­a, X. (2018). Panorama and challenges of communicative mediation in the scenario of the so-called smart automation. Profesional De La información, 27(4), 725–731.