Methodology for evaluating functions and products for technology watch and competitive intelligence (TW/CI) and their implementation through web
Technology watch and competitive intelligence (TW/CI), Management of strategic information, TW/CI platforms evaluation, Multicriteria decision methods, Analytic hierarchy process.Abstract
The increasing presence of technology watch and competitive intelligence can clearly be seen in every organization. However, even though the necessities addressed since 2011 by the normative UNE 166006:2011 (Aenor, 2011) involve formalizing and structuring the processes related to TW/CI and its implementation among organizations, and despite the fact that the so called TW/CI integral support platforms are more and more popular, no methodologies have been defined to evaluate the TW/CI functions and their implementation through those web platforms. This article proposes the evaluation of a system of indicators which any organization can use during the assessment process of the global set of functions within the TW/CI cycle and the objective selection of the most suitable TW/CI support platform, according to particular necessities and circumstances.
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