Social museums: social media profiles in Twitter and Facebook 2012-2013
Twitter, Facebook, Museum, Social museum, Communication, Audience, Cooperation, Participation, Internet, Social networks, Social media, Web 2.0, Strategies, Digital influence, Klout, Visitors, Online.Abstract
The results of a study on the development of a museum-2.0 or social museums and the communication between these organizations and their virtual visitors are presented. We based it on an analysis of the social media profiles of major museums and art centers in San Francisco, London and Madrid. Tracking and monitoring of these profiles was performed from December 2012 to December 2013. In this study, not only is it important how many followers or how many profiles are used in online media communication, but also the communication and curatorial strategies that these institutions apply. We explore the possible development of dialogue spaces, interaction, participation and creation that move toward the idea of a complete virtual and social museum.
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