ESCO ranking of advertising agencies: description and results


  • Rafael Repiso El profesional de la información
  • Carmen Llorente-Barroso
  • Francisco Garcí­a-Garcí­a



Advertising agencies, Advertising ranking, Advertising award shows, Design rankings.


This paper presents and describes the ESCO Ranking of advertising agencies . The objective of this tool is to assess the quality of the agencies, based on their creative products and a rigorous evaluation of the various prizes received and the prestige of the festivals that granted them. For that purpose, festivals were classified into 4 categories based on their national and international importance and a sample was selected. A two-year period was considered for the ranking to ensure a balance of continuity and of innovation in each edition. This work aims at covering a gap in Spain as compared with other countries by providing not only a classification of the best advertising agencies but also an analysis of the advertising industry in Spain. The results of the 2012 edition include 197 agencies, 611 advertisements and 359 advertisers.


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How to Cite

Repiso, R., Llorente-Barroso, C., & Garcí­a-Garcí­a, F. (2013). ESCO ranking of advertising agencies: description and results. Profesional De La información, 22(2), 181–187.