Distribution of daily newspapers in Spain 1998-2008: paper vs digital


  • í“scar Juanatey-Boga El profesional de la información
  • Valentí­n-Alejandro Martí­nez-Fernández




Digital newspapers, Print newspapers, Digital journalism, Online journalism, Circulation media, Audience, Internet, El mundo, Expansión, Marca.


The circulation of newspapers that have both a "paper version" and a "free digital" version is analysed to determine whether there is a relationship between the two kinds of circulation. If there is an existing relationship we want to know how it works, what the overall effects are, and if these effects create some form of "cannibalization". We studied the leading "free digital" publications in Spain for general information (El mundo), sports (Marca), and economics (Expansión). Sources for extracting data are Introl, OJD and OJD Interactiva. Data analysis was based on a descriptive statistics methodology and monthly series over 10 years, starting in June 1998, the first available date for electronic editions of these three newspapapers. The last month analysed is December 2008 because OJD Interactiva modified its measurement methods in January 2009 and this change could have affected the study results.


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How to Cite

Juanatey-Boga, í“scar, & Martí­nez-Fernández, V.-A. (2012). Distribution of daily newspapers in Spain 1998-2008: paper vs digital. Profesional De La información, 21(2), 154–159. https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2012.mar.05