e-Catalunya: virtual communities of practice to promote a more open and efficient public administration


  • Marí­a-Ribera Sancho El profesional de la información
  • Antonio Cañabate
  • Albert Botella
  • Josep Casanovas
  • Ferrán Sabaté




Knowledge management system, Social networks, Computer supported cooperative work, Communities of practice, eGovernment, Collaborative information systems, e-Catalunya.


e-Catalunya is an information system promoted by the Government of Catalonia to support Virtual Communities of Practice through a set of web 2.0 tools. It facilitates collaboration, knowledge sharing and the path towards a more open and efficient organization. The information system´s goals are reported in the context of both e-government and new working patterns under the Communities of Practice paradigm. Its functional and organizational characteristics as well as its architecture are also described. Finally, observed results and benefits as well as the lessons learned from five years of operation are explained.


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How to Cite

Sancho, M.-R., Cañabate, A., Botella, A., Casanovas, J., & Sabaté, F. (2011). e-Catalunya: virtual communities of practice to promote a more open and efficient public administration. Profesional De La información, 20(3), 324–331. https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2011.may.12