Quality assessment of Spanish scientific journals: analysis of their review processes
Evaluation, Peer review, Protocols to evaluate, Anonymity, Scientific journals, Referees, Spain, Fecyt.Abstract
One of the basic duties of scientific journals is the evaluation of the papers that they publish. The most common practice is peer review, in which several experts determine the reliability of the ideas and results as well as the potential impact on science. Studying the documentation provided by the editors of Quality Assessment of Spanish Scientific Journals, 1st Edition, in 2008, we have analyzed some of the editorial practices in the evaluation process, such as external evaluation, instructions to referees, the existence of protocols to evaluate the articles and anonymity of those involved in the review. The  significance of our work is that the evaluation process has been checked independently of what is stated in the journal. We have verified that there is a lack of standardization in the evaluation process, which is symptomatic of the need for deeper professionalization.
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