The future of information professionals at the Community of Madrid: proposal of the Platform for the archivists, librarians and information scientists college


  • -- Colectivo del Colegio de Madrid El profesional de la información



Professional colleges, Professional associations, Community of Madrid, Information managers


Since March 2007, a group of information professionals from the autonomous region of Madrid has been working voluntarily and independently on the creation of a professional college for archivists, librarians and information scientists. However, it is necessary to present a bill at the region´s Parliament to be finally approved into law. This action developed as a reaction against the lack of an official organism to regularise this profession. The professional college will be in charge of representing and defending the profession and maintaining the relations with central and regional governments, the private sector, other professional colleges and universities.


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How to Cite

Colectivo del Colegio de Madrid, .-.-. (2008). The future of information professionals at the Community of Madrid: proposal of the Platform for the archivists, librarians and information scientists college. Profesional De La información, 17(3), 317–323.