Impact of Digital Audio Techniques and Software Technology on Students’ Engagement and Participation in Music Classes


  • Ji Lu School of MusicJimei University Xiamen, Fujian, 361021, China



Music Teaching, Student Engagement, Digital Audio Equipment, Modern Software, Interactive Technology.


Educational institutions teaching music have recently switched over to digital and modern tools of software and technology, expecting music teachers too to adopt modern techniques to teach music to the students. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of digital audio equipment, interactive software and online learning platforms on students’ engagement and participation in music classes. This study used a 7-point Likert scale questionnaire where the data was collected from students of different colleges and universities in China. This study employed RStudio for the analysis of data for robust findings. The finding of this research revealed that digital audio equipment, interactive software and online learning platforms have a significant and positive impact on students’ engagement and participation in music class. This contribution of the study is novel as previous studies have paid little attention to understand these relationships. This study provides practical implication for practitioners to facilitate music teaching to both teachers and students with modern software and technology equipment to improve their engagement and participation in the class


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How to Cite

Ji Lu. (2024). Impact of Digital Audio Techniques and Software Technology on Students’ Engagement and Participation in Music Classes. Profesional De La información, 33(5).



Research articles