The Impact of Information Sharing on Social Media on Adolescents’ Behavior in China


  • Feishi Yu School of Media and Communication Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 Shanghai, China
  • Tao Xi School of Media and Communication Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 Shanghai, China



Unlike the previous studies investigating the impact of information sharing on social media on adolescents’ behavior in China. However, this study examines the mediation mechanism of information sharing on social media to adolescents’ behavior in China. The survey method is used to collect the data from adolescents in high school situated in the Northwest area of China. The sample is collected using convenient sampling techniques. The final sample is 550 adolescents. The findings show that all the proposed hypotheses are supported and significant. Information sharing on social media is the strongest predictor of adolescents’ behavior in China. Both mediators are also supported and significant toward the adolescents’ behavior. This study employs a major theoretical contribution because it investigates the mechanism of information sharing on social media to adolescents’’ behavior


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How to Cite

Feishi Yu, & Tao Xi. (2024). The Impact of Information Sharing on Social Media on Adolescents’ Behavior in China. Profesional De La información, 33(1).



Research articles