Digital Competencies and their Impact on Public Servants' Productivity in Peru


  • Wilfredo-Alexander Medina-Esquivel Universidad César Vallejo Av. Alfredo Mendiola 6232 Los Olivos 15314, Perú
  • Ofelia-Carol Cernaqué-Miranda Universidad César Vallejo Av. Alfredo Mendiola 6232 Los Olivos 15314, Perú
  • Fausto-Enrique Prudenci-Cuela Universidad César Vallejo Av. Alfredo Mendiola 6232 Los Olivos 15314, Perú



Creation Skills, Digital Competencies, Digital Empathy, Digital Gap, Digital Immigrants, Digital Literacy, Digital Natives, Digital Security, Digital Skills, Digital Training, Labor Productivity, Public Administration, Public Sector, Public Servers, Technology.


In an increasingly digitized environment, with a heavy reliance on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the significance of digital competencies (DC) in the public sector is undeniably crucial. This study focuses on assessing the impact of DC on the productivity of public servants in a governmental entity in Peru during 2022. Utilizing logistic regression analysis on a sample of 134 participants, and asserting a 99% confidence level with a 3.8% margin of error, it is concluded that DC accounts for a significant proportion (24.9%) of productivity variability. The analysis identifies a deficiency in DC among older public servants, following an examination of skills in information, communication, creation, digital security, and digital empathy. While communication sk ills are prominent, creative abilities emerge as the most vulnerable aspect. This study advocates for the implementation of a training program aimed at enhancing DC, with a particular emphasis on creative skills, and adopting a tailored approach for digital natives and immigrants. The training plan should be underpinned by the proposed concept of DC within a directed acyclic diagram, illustrating the integration and interrelation of the five key digital skills - information, communication, creation, digital security, and digital empathy - thereby enhancing productivity through increased effectiveness and efficiency


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How to Cite

Wilfredo-Alexander Medina-Esquivel, Ofelia-Carol Cernaqué-Miranda, & Fausto-Enrique Prudenci-Cuela. (2024). Digital Competencies and their Impact on Public Servants’ Productivity in Peru. Profesional De La información, 33(1).



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