Future of disinformation studies: emerging research fields





Disinformation, Fake news, Academic research, Research trends, Communication research, Disinformation theories;, Fact-checking, Media literacy, Disinformation narratives


This article examines research trends on disinformation. First, it explores the relationship between disinformation and digital news media, highlighting the negative impact of disinformation on citizens’ trust in the news. Recent research on disinformation is classified into several areas, including typological studies, research on fact-checking, disinformation on digital platforms, and studies on media literacy. Next, the article identifies several emerging fields for research, such as studies on disinformation narratives, information manipulation and international interference, artificial intelligence generated disinformation, cross-platform disinformation, and thematic and multidisciplinary studies. Based on this analysis, the article highlights the need to continue investigating and combatting disinformation, as it is a persistent and growing problem in democratic societies.


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How to Cite

Salaverría, R., & Cardoso, G. (2023). Future of disinformation studies: emerging research fields. Profesional De La información, 32(5). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2023.sep.25