The emerging phenomenon of L2 vlogging on Bilibili: characteristics, engagement, and informal language learning




Spanish as a foreign language, Digital literacy, Video-sharing platform, Multimodal composition, Vlogs, Videovlogs, Participatory culture, Transmedia literacy, Danmu, Discourse analysis, Social media, Peer learning, Bilibili


The rise of digital technology has provided new opportunities for language learning, extending beyond traditional classroom instruction. Video projects have emerged as an effective tool in foreign language education, yet research on self-initiated and regulated video production for language learning is scarce. This study investigates the phenomenon of vlogging in Spanish as a second language on the Chinese video sharing platform Bilibili, by analyzing 134 Chinese-produced Spanish-language vlogs. The study aims to understand the vlogs´ characteristics, the vloggers´ profile, and the ways they utilize the genre for learning Spanish. Through qualitative virtual ethnography, the study uncovers the presence and learning engagement of Spanish L2 vlogs on Bilibili. The results reveal a diverse range of vlogs, including daily life experiences and adaptations of popular YouTube trends, primarily produced by university students with advanced editing skills. Vloggers incorporate knowledge from both formal education (e.g., the Spanish textbook widely used in China, Español Moderno) and informal contexts. In addition to practicing oral Spanish, L2 vloggers use various forms of writing, including Spanish subtitles and Chinese translation, and mobilize multimodal resources, such as danmu comments for overlaying corrections. Vloggers also adopt discursive strategies for community interaction, such as self-deprecating metalanguage, feedback solicitation, and metalinguistic reflections. The study highlights the potential of video-sharing platforms like Bilibili as tools for language learning, reveals different learning styles in digital environments (self-supervised and interaction-oriented learning), and indicates the direction of integrating daily vlogs and multilingual subtitles into language curricula, emphasizing students´ agency, self-directed digital learning, and transmedia literacy development.


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How to Cite

Zhang, L.-T., Vázquez-Calvo, B., & Cassany, D. . (2023). The emerging phenomenon of L2 vlogging on Bilibili: characteristics, engagement, and informal language learning. Profesional De La información, 32(3).



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