Evolution, trends and future of native media: From avant-garde to the epicenter of the communications ecosystem





Digital native media, Cybermedia, Online media, Digital media, Evolution, Trends, Future, Challenges, Digital journalism, Digital-born, Mobile communication, Communication, High technologies, News, Journalism, News ecosystem, Ubiquity


Over recent decades, digital native media have flourished as one of the most important communicative tools in the world, despite certain geographical disparities. Not only is this kind of media here to stay, but they have transitioned from being a feature of the avant-garde to occupying a central space in the digital ecosystem. Despite the diversity of models, difficulties in articulating business models that ensure sustainability, and their lack of financial muscle, native media have opened up renewed options for digital journalism in both the present and the future. By analyzing the current media landscape and a study of the main trends, carried out using a review of the published scientific literature and an analysis of cases from the last five years, this paper explores the horizons of the "new wave" of digital native media that will face the challenges of the second half of this third decade of the millennium.  Of course, the future has not yet been written: digital media will have to build from the native space, observing emerging trends, modern technologies, and without giving up on providing quality digital journalism that is based in truthfulness, transparency, the involvement of users and the set of actions that serve the public interest.


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How to Cite

López-Garcí­a, X., Silva-Rodrí­guez, A., & Vázquez-Herrero, J. (2023). Evolution, trends and future of native media: From avant-garde to the epicenter of the communications ecosystem. Profesional De La información, 32(2). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2023.mar.06