Mapping open science at Spanish universities. Analysis of higher education systems
Open science, Universities, Regional university systems, Teaching and research staff, Researchers, University policymakers, Open access, University repositories, Institutional repositories, European projects, Cordis, Publications, Web of Science, SpainAbstract
This study analyzes the implementation of open science in Spanish universities considering four perspectives: (i) regulations, policies, and strategies; (ii) knowledge production; (iii) research results; and (iv) perception by different academic actors. A qualitative and quantitative methodology is applied, drawing information from university websites, institutional reports, European project databases (Cordis), the Web of Science database, surveys of teaching and research staff, and surveys of vice-rectors and library directors. The information is grouped into regional university systems, according to the autonomous community to which each university belongs, and is analyzed on that basis. The results of the quantitative study show increasing interest in open-science activities, expressed as a growing number of publications, and an increase in participation, leadership, and funding in European projects. Institutional policies and regulations on open science, on the other hand, are few and focus almost exclusively on open access. The development of institutional repositories is one of the great achievements of the Spanish university system, and open-access publishing (mainly green open access) has grown considerably in the last decade. Teaching and research staff are not knowledgeable about open science, although in general they take a positive view toward it, while university policymakers report that most actions to promote open science are still in the process of being implemented. The results reveal heterogeneity among the various institutions´ practices and implementation. As a regional system, the Catalonian university system stands out above the rest for its degree of open-science policy development and implementation and for its intense research activity in the field of open science.
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