SCImago Graphica: a new tool for exploring and visually communicating data
SCImago Graphica, Data visualization, Information visualization, Data communication, Data exploration, Authoring systems, No-code tools, Complex visualizations, Drag-and-drop interactions, Interactive graphs, Chart construction, Chart building, Authoring tools, Visual data communication, Exploratory analysis, Grammar-based tools, Visual mapping, Data rendering, Computer graphics, Interactive applicationsAbstract
Despite the increasing number of data visualization authoring systems in recent years, it remains a challenge to simultaneously achieve high expressive power and ease of use in a single tool. In this paper we present SCImago Graphica, a no-code tool which allows the creation of complex visualizations by simple drag-and-drop interactions. Users bind the data variables to the different encoding channels, and specify the settings of each binding, from which the tool generates the interactive graphical display. Due to its efficiency of use, SCImago Graphica is not only suitable for visually communicating data, but also for exploratory data analysis. We evaluate the expressiveness and ease of use of SCImago Graphica through various examples of chart construction and a catalog of visualizations. The results show that SCImago Graphica makes it possible to create a wide variety of data visualizations quickly and easily.
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