Factors conditioning the consolidation of e-book lending services in Spanish public libraries





eLending, eBooks, eBook lending platforms, Public libraries, Users, Publishers, Librarians, Digital collections, Digital rights management, DRM, eBook market, Licenses, Aggregators


Despite the investment of economic and human resources made by Spanish public libraries to create digital collections while continuing to play their traditional role as mediators between users, technology, and reading, there are conditioning factors that make it difficult for e-book lending to be integrated as yet another service within those provided by libraries and to be fully accepted by readers. With the aim of identifying the elements underlying the slow consolidation of digital lending, a literature review was carried out to determine the state of the art, mainly in both the USA and Spain, the e-book market aimed at Spanish public libraries is analyzed, the technological difficulties involved in lending and downloading for users are presented, and the influence of the measures adopted by the publishing sector and public administrations are examined. The need to make license commercialization models more flexible, simplify digital rights management systems, and decouple collections from electronic lending platforms, as well as avoid the dispersion of library resources across various interfaces, is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Muñoz, E. (2022). Factors conditioning the consolidation of e-book lending services in Spanish public libraries. Profesional De La información, 31(2). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2022.mar.06