Media reputation in Europe. An empirical analysis of the reputation of the paper press, digital press, radio, and television in ten European countries




Media reputación, Corporate reputation, Mass media, European media, Informative credibility, Informative rigour, Informative impartiality, Press, Paper press, Digital press, Radio, Television, Europe


Democracy is considered to be the ideal foundation of societies today. In a democratic society, news media play a highly relevant role as avenues by which public and political powers can interact with society and facilitate civic participation. The public´s perception of the news media´s reputation is a crucial factor for enhancing trust and citizen engagement. This article presents a study of the reputation of the media (paper press, digital press, radio and television) in ten European countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. A quantitative method was applied to the results of a survey conducted to determine the reputation of news media among a sample of the informed population in those countries (1,000 residents of legal age who used media at least two or three times a week). The concept of reputation is thereby characterized in its association with the media, identifying its integrating attributes and assessing its incidence in each type of medium. The results indicate that, although television is the most widely used medium, the printed press enjoys a higher reputation in most of the countries studied, being seen as having the attributes of credibility and informative rigor. This study provides a detailed analysis of the scores given to media reputation attributes in the considered countries. It also offers a ranking of the media with the highest reputation in the countries examined, as well as a description of the reputational position of each medium. 


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How to Cite

Castillo-Dí­az, A., De-Aguilera-Moyano, M., Ortiz-de-Guinea-Ayala, Y., & Villafañe-Gallego, J. (2022). Media reputation in Europe. An empirical analysis of the reputation of the paper press, digital press, radio, and television in ten European countries. Profesional De La información, 31(1).