Software solutions for web information systems in digital humanities: review, analysis and comparative study




Web information systems, Digital humanities, Content management systems, Digital assets management, Virtual research environments, Crowdsourcing, Comparative analysis, Software review


Research in the humanities increasingly depends on how information is structured and managed and how, on the basis of that information, new knowledge is produced. Additionally, participatory approaches, which often rely on web information systems as their supportive infrastructure, have made an impact on the most recent historiographical trends, in particular in the methodological framework of digital humanities. The aim of this paper was to produce, from an operational and implementation perspective, a review of software solutions frequently used to develop web information systems for research projects in humanities and cultural heritage, in order to provide an understanding of the various possibilities available and their positives and limitations, also based on different users´ requirements. An individual and comparative analysis of sixteen different application frameworks commonly used in these fields, either generic or developed for a specific research domain, has been carried out, considering their main functionalities, strengths, and weaknesses. The achieved results facilitate critical and reasoned decision-making among several available options, guiding the makers of those systems, both researcher(s) and developers(s), and providing them also with a common ground of terms and use cases to facilitate their necessary dialogue.


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How to Cite

Toscano, M., Cobo, M. J., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2022). Software solutions for web information systems in digital humanities: review, analysis and comparative study. Profesional De La información, 31(2).