Use of 360º video by digital native media: exploratory analysis of the first steps in the Spanish journalistic landscape




360º video, Immersive journalism, 360ª video storytelling, VR storytelling, Digital native m edia, Cybermedia, Online media, Virtual reality, Digital ournalism, Immersive narratives, 360º video reports, Innovation, Interactive journalism, Multimedia, Spain


High technology has been one of the main assets used by the media around the world to stand out from the masses and reach an increasingly fragmented audience, including drone journalism, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. In this regard, the mid-2010s saw a whole phase of experimentation that began with so-called immersive journalism, a new way of producing news content using virtual reality and 360° video, which introduced various novelties in the way stories are both told and consumed/watched. Among these, 360° real-image videos are the most common form, which can be partly explained by factors such as time and cost, although it is also possible to find completely computer-generated (CG) nonfiction experiences. Legacy media such as The New York Times, El Paí­s, or the BBC have been experimenting with the possibilities of this immersive storytelling, but what about digital native media? The aim of this paper is to explore the use of 360° video by Spanish digital native media in order to observe the degree of development of immersive storytelling, as well as the quality of the pieces available more than 5 years after the start of this phenomenon known as immersive journalism. For this purpose, a content analysis of 360° videos published during the period 2015-2019 by El español,, El independiente, and El HuffPost has been carried out. The study of these particular cases reveals the absence of a narrative strategy aligned with the immersive format; in general, these are simple videos that provide little added value compared with the conventional format. Furthermore, the results show that the history of immersive journalism by these cybermedia has been limited in terms of both volume and time, with little guarantee that it will continue into the future.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Seijo, S. (2021). Use of 360º video by digital native media: exploratory analysis of the first steps in the Spanish journalistic landscape. Profesional De La información, 30(3).



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