Dialnet Metrics as a bibliometric evaluation tool: contributions to the analysis of the scientific activity in Social Sciences and Humanities





Dialnet Metrics, Citation indexes, Bibliometrics, Indicators, Scientific evaluation, Rankings, Journals, Institutions, Researchers, Classifications, Collaboration, University libraries, Scientific information, Scholarly information, Academic information, Evaluation, Quality, Impact


Within the current panorama of science evaluation, the limitations of citation indexes to study the social sciences and humanities have been the subject of wide debate. To resolve this situation, different products have been created for use in national contexts, since they cover certain aspects not contained in more international indices. An example is the In-RECS family, where an indicator such as the impact factor of Eugene Garfield is defined, but its contribution lies in the ability to evaluate research in Spain by obtaining citation indicators. This paper thus highlights the need to create new products for research evaluation in general, but particularly in the social sciences and humanities. The context in which different alternatives arise and are developed to evaluate existing journals is presented, along with Dialnet Metrics, a citation index developed by the Dialnet Foundation in collaboration with the EC3 Group and dozens of Spanish universities. Based on an analysis of the citations of source journals from different subject areas, Dialnet Metrics provides indicators to evaluate the research impact at different levels. This bibliometric product enables contextualized analysis at the micro (researchers), meso (journals), and macro (areas and universities) levels. Finally, the content, data volumes, and structure of this citation index are described quantitatively.


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How to Cite

Gregorio-Chaviano, O., Repiso, R., Calderón-Rehecho, A., León-Marí­n, J., & Jiménez-Contreras, E. (2021). Dialnet Metrics as a bibliometric evaluation tool: contributions to the analysis of the scientific activity in Social Sciences and Humanities. Profesional De La información, 30(3). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2021.may.18



Research articles