Economic and cultural dimensions of the book market in Spain (1995-2019)




Book, Publishing industry, Market structure, Book supply, Book demand, Cultural industry, Spain


A vision of the book publishing market in Spain during the period 1995-2019 is offered. To do this, firstly, the structure of the publishing sector is analyzed; secondly, the book market (supply and demand), as well as its dual nature, are studied; thirdly, an explanatory model of demand for books is proposed; finally, through the use of econometrics, the factors that determine the evolution of demand for books over the last 25 years are analyzed. To achieve this, data provided by the Ministry of Culture, Federation of Publishers Guilds of Spain, and National Institute of Statistics were used. Based on the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that: (a) the estimation based on an integrating model, combining both the economic and cultural perspectives, best explains the behavior of the demand for books in Spain; (b) each variable behaves as expected, including variables of a cultural nature; (c) according to the economic model of the demand for books in Spain, books are luxury goods, while according to the integrated model, they are essential goods; (d) there is a positive relationship between the demand for books and the population that can technically read; (e) there is a positive relationship between the demand for books and new titles published annually. In short, the demand for books in Spain depends on not only economic but also cultural variables.


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How to Cite

Magadán-Dí­az, M., & Rivas-Garcí­a, J. I. (2021). Economic and cultural dimensions of the book market in Spain (1995-2019). Profesional De La información, 30(2).



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