Databases of female experts: the global scenario and Spanish situation




Expert sources, Gender parity, Databases of female experts, Journalism, Expert women, Gender gap, Female participation, Media, Mass media, Journalists


This paper examines databases of female experts as tools to promote gender parity in the sources consulted and cited by journalists. To do this, we conducted a search of databases available online (n = 88) and carried out in-depth interviews with people in charge of these databases (n = 4) as well as a survey among female scientific researchers included in the database of the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists of Spain (AMIT) (n = 919). The main results reflect the great potential of these tools but indicate that, to be effective, they require fluid communication with the media and a design that allows their incorporation into the regular routines of journalists. In Spain, their impact is still low and, as in the rest of the world, there is great fragmentation of resources accompanied by very weak interaction among the different initiatives.


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How to Cite

Campos-Rueda, M., & Herrera-Damas, S. (2021). Databases of female experts: the global scenario and Spanish situation. Profesional De La información, 30(2).



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