The audiobook in Spain: industry or business model?




Audiobook, Book, Value chain, Publishing circuit, Production, Flow charts, Industry, Business models, Digitization, Publishing, Spain


This research has the general goal of analyzing, through an exploratory methodology, the impact that audiobooks have on the internal processes in the value chain of Spanish publishing companies, to which two more specific goals are added: a) How can the new roles from audiobook be added in an publishing circuit?, and b) is it possible to affirm that the new business model can already be considered an industry within the Spanish publishing sector? Through the analysis of the publishing circuit and the production flow chart carried out in this study, it is observed not only the impact of the audiobook on the entire operational process of a publishing house, but also the new actors on the publishing business scene. Based on the existing data from the audiobook business in Spain, the study concludes that, nowadays, the existence of an audiobook industry that is fully independent from the other consolidated business models in the Spanish publishing sector cannot be affirmed.


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How to Cite

Magadán-Dí­az, M., & Rivas-Garcí­a, J. I. (2020). The audiobook in Spain: industry or business model?. Profesional De La información, 29(6).



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