Credibility of online press: a strategy for distinction and audience generation




Credibility, Digital media, Online press, Digital press, Newspapers, Digital journalism, Publications, Dimensions, Galician university students, Surveys, Structural equation modeling


The regular paper publications sector has implemented significant business model transformations to embrace digitalization, with the press being the most affected of all. This has contributed not only to the migration of traditional mastheads to a digital format, in search of a hybridization process, but also to the development of new digital brands. In these circumstances, credibility emerges as a critical factor to consider when selecting sources of information. Along these lines and with regards to the online press, two research objectives arise: to analyze which factors can influence, and which factors are influenced by, the credibility of an online masthead. The methodology used in this study is based on quantitative research using surveys conducted with university students and structural equation modeling. The main conclusions demonstrate that coverage is the main variable in terms of generating credibility and that this also contributes to reader perception regarding greater confidence, accuracy, and sympathy.


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How to Cite

Rodrí­guez-Fernández, M.-M., Martí­nez-Fernández, V.-A., & Juanatey-Boga, í“scar. (2020). Credibility of online press: a strategy for distinction and audience generation. Profesional De La información, 29(6).



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