Construcción del relato informativo audiovisual y su impacto sobre la reputación de la radio y la televisión




Reputation, Intangible values, Radio, Television, Information, Credibility, Informative rigor, Journalistic quality, Ethics, Professional deontology


Like all entities, media need to achieve a high level of reputation, which requires not only the provision of an excellent product or service but also for it to be perceived as such in order to create a positive image. The aim of this study is to confirm whether there is any correlation between the information content disseminated by audiovisual media and their level of reputation among their audiences. To this end, the notion of reputation is based on variables such as credibility, informative rigor, journalistic quality, professional ethics, and deontology. This study involved two phases. Firstly, we conducted a survey among communication professionals and audiences to determine their perception of media in terms of the aforementioned aspects. Secondly, we carried out a content analysis to gauge the degree to which the indicators that define these variables are present in news production. Finally, the study compares and contrasts the results from both phases. Overall, this case study covers the most important Spanish television channels and generalist radio stations, namely La primera (TVE), Telecinco, Antena 3, and La sexta, as well as COPE, Onda cero, RNE, and SER. The main results reveal correspondences between the assessments made by respondents and the results of the content analysis. In this regard, the channels and broadcasters that achieve the worst positions show greater correspondences.Therefore, it can be concluded that the information product contributes to the construction of media´s reputation, where the indicators play a key role, with informative rigor, professional ethics, and deontology being those that achieve the highest rate of reciprocity.


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Author Biographies

Juan-José Perona-Páez, Universitat Autí²noma de Barcelona


Marí­a-Luz Barbeito-Veloso, Universitat Autí²noma de Barcelona


Alejandra Hernández-Ruiz, Universitat de Alicante


Victoria Rodrí­guez-Prieto, Universidad Nebrija



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How to Cite

Perona-Páez, J.-J., Barbeito-Veloso, M.-L., Hernández-Ruiz, A., & Rodrí­guez-Prieto, V. (2020). Construcción del relato informativo audiovisual y su impacto sobre la reputación de la radio y la televisión. Profesional De La información, 29(6).



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