raming first ladies: the experts, the novices, and the incumbents





News frames, First ladies, Political communication, Framing, Gender studies, Presidential wives, Content analysis, Gender of journalists, Political orientation, Journalism, Soft power


The protocol figure of the first lady is subject to media exposure, whether for directing an organization, when accompanying her husband at events, or because she is involved in conflicts of interest. Literature indicates that her role generates a narrative of how an exemplary woman should be in her country. In this context, this paper aims to identify, using the model of Winfield (1997), the news frames used to cover the first ladies of three countries, namely Argentina, USA, and Mexico. For this, three groups of first ladies were selected: a first group of expert politicians, including those who had a political career prior to their position and later sought the presidency of their country (Cristina Fernández, Hillary Clinton, and Margarita Zavala); a second group of novices who took the position without a previous career (Juliana Awada, Laura Bush, and Angélica Rivera); and a third group made up of those who currently hold the position (Fabiola Yáñez, Melania Trump, and Beatriz Gutiérrez Mí¼ller). The newspapers analyzed were La nación, Página/12, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Reforma, and La jornada. Content analysis and the framing model revealed that the most widely used frame was that of a political official, being more pronounced for expert politicians and in newspapers opposed to her husband´s government. Moreover, this allows presidential wives to express themselves via direct quotes. It can thus be concluded that the first ladies are preferably covered from political news frames, which endows them with soft power that allows them to intervene in elections, makes their opinion relevant, and shapes their political career.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Monsiváis, E. (2020). raming first ladies: the experts, the novices, and the incumbents. Profesional De La información, 29(6). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2020.nov.21



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