Success factors in audiovisual content websites based on comparative qualitative analysis




Audiovisual communication, Audiovisual content, Websites, Audiovisual content websites, Cinema, Online influence, Comparative qualitative analysis, Online platforms, Film users, Audiovisual consumption, Audiovisual product, Social interaction


The evolution of technology and the digital empowerment of society have led to the proliferation of Audiovisual Content Webs (ACWs) where users can share information and experiences, along with other commercial resources. ACWs have led to significant changes in the way users can select and access audiovisual content. The design of these websites combines various features, including a user community, streamed content, ticket sales, and recommendations, among others. Each ACW has a specific profile with respect to the mentioned variables. The aim of this study is to identify the critical success factors for a ACW, i.e., which features and the form they should take to attract followers, thus increasing the capacity to prescribe and broadcast content. Using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA), a formal analysis technique that allows the identification of combinations that produce a certain result, a sample of the 12 most representative cinema websites in Spain is analyzed. The results indicate that the incorporation of content recommendation systems and the connection with streaming platforms through which the content can be accessed are key factors in the success of these ACWs. This work contributes academically to the knowledge and explanation of audience behavior in the new audiovisual scenario. From a professional point of view, relevant design suggestions are offered to platform creators. Finally, the limitations of this work are described, and future lines of research are considered.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Lores, S., Martí­nez-Navarro, G., & Gavilán, D. (2021). Success factors in audiovisual content websites based on comparative qualitative analysis. Profesional De La información, 29(6).



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