Afinidades y divergencias. Una mirada semiótica en los estudios de la comunicación.




Semiotics, Communication, Methodology, Structuralism, Positivism


Historically, semiotics has played a role in many debates about the fundamental problems that shape the field of Communication, and some of its concepts remain central to contemporary studies. Most recently, however, other Communication disciplines have shifted towards more positivist approaches while the influence of semiotics has reduced. This article describes some conceptual relationships and misunderstandings that have characterized the dialog between semiotics and Communication. It also attempts to suggest how the semiotic view can enrich the analytical baggage of the Communication sciences and answer some of the problems that define this field.


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How to Cite

Serra, M., González, R., & Lozano, J. (2020). Afinidades y divergencias. Una mirada semiótica en los estudios de la comunicación. Profesional De La información, 29(4).