Analysis of national scientific domains in the Communication field (Scopus, 2003-2018)




Communication, Scientometrics, Research evaluation, Scholarly evaluation, Scholarly communication, Assessment, International collaboration, Collaboration networks, Scientific excellence, Scopus


Scientific research in the communication field has experienced great growth in recent years. Recent technological changes, as well as the emergence of Web 2.0 and 3.0 and new forms of communication, such as social networks, have led to new and varied studies in the discipline. This paper analyzes the scientific production of the 27 countries with the greatest scientific production in the communication field in the period from 2003 to 2018. The results indicate that: the most productive countries are the USA, UK, and Spain; there is less international collaboration than in other disciplines, but there is a network of European collaboration that is quite dense and has great impact, and another network in Pacific countries (Asia + Oceania), albeit with lower density and impact.



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How to Cite

Trabadela-Robles, J., Nuño-Moral, M.-V., Guerrero-Bote, V. P., & De-Moya-Anegón, F. (2020). Analysis of national scientific domains in the Communication field (Scopus, 2003-2018). Profesional De La información, 29(4).