Composite indicators as an innovative methodology for Communication Sciences. Implementation for the assessment of European public service media



Public service media, Research, Communication, Research methods, Composite indicators, Social value, Independence, Management, Innovation, Efficiency, Television


The currently dominant model of scientific production in the field of communications research exhibits an over standardization of mainly empirical research, which is overwhelmingly carried out using quantitative techniques based on simple statistical analysis, in many cases limiting the presented results to an interpretation of the available data. This paper presents an innovative proposal in the field, designed as a new strategy for scientific dissemination and presentation. It puts forward the objective of building three composite indicators that, applied to European public service media, will allow the assessment of the perception of their social value, independence, and management efficiency. Moreover, a study that enables a comparative vision of these three issues in all the countries of the European Union, excluding Malta and Luxemburg, is also proposed. This methodology represents an innovation because it thoroughly explains the process and justifies the validity of the documentary sources used to facilitate their reproduction or questioning. It also reinforces the discussion of the results with the evaluation of the indicators´ robustness before deciding which of them is most appropriate on each occasion for comparing the results using a multicriteria decision analysis technique, the Technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (Topis) method, proposed by Hwang and Yoon (1981). The results attest that synthetic indicators are an innovative, original, and validatable methodological tool that can contribute to the progress of research in the field of the communications sciences.


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How to Cite

Blasco-Blasco, O., Rodrí­guez-Castro, M., & Túñez-López, M. (2020). Composite indicators as an innovative methodology for Communication Sciences. Implementation for the assessment of European public service media. Profesional De La información, 29(4). Retrieved from