Organizational communication strategies on social networks: analysis of the French far-right´s electoral campaigns on Twitter




Organizational communication, Political communication, Online campaigns, Electoral campaigns, Social networks, Social media, Populisms, European Union, Rassemblement National, National Rally, Twitter


Since the 2014 European elections, populist organizations have been gaining a share of power, as finally ratified by their voters in May 2019. In the case of France, the rise of National Rally (NR) is, partially, due to a change of its communication strategy. In particular, in its online strategy framework for the European elections, a total of 1,256 tweets published by its official Twitter account during the 15-day electoral campaigns in 2014 and 2019 have been analyzed. The results confirm a reconfiguration of its online communicative strategy and how this shift allowed the organization to create a closer link with its audience to increase and build loyalty among the number of users who could become NR voters. 


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How to Cite

Carral, U., & Tuñón-Navarro, J. (2020). Organizational communication strategies on social networks: analysis of the French far-right´s electoral campaigns on Twitter. Profesional De La información, 29(6).



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