Understanding Students' Intentions Towards Utilizing Metaverse Information Systems in Music Education: Examining Mediating Role of Student Attitude
https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2024.ene.0610Palabras clave:
Metaverse Information System (MIS), Information Quality, Music Education, Chinese Students.Resumen
Metaverse information system with the use of technology has transformed the learning environments of educational institutions; though putting up a challenge to the users’ intentions to engage with metaverse systems. This research aimed to understand user intentions to utilize metaverse information systems in music education. Using a self administered survey questionnaire, data was collected from 350 music education students, choosing a purposive sampling technique, and employing a deductive quantitative approach and cross-sectional research design. The Partial Least Square (PLS)-Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique results show that musical ability self, ideal musical self, and adaptive musical self positively significantly impact the metaverse information system of Chinese universities music education students. In the same vein, information quality also has a positive and significant impact on metaverse information systems. Further results show that student attitude is partially mediated among information quality, future learning intention, technology optimization, adaptive musical self, musical ability self, ideal musical self, and metaverse information systems of Chinese music education students. The study with these findings extends the understanding of metaverse information systems with the mediating effect of students’ attitude in Chinese university music education students. The study would practically help educators and system designers to focus on enhancing both musical and information quality aspects to optimize metaverse platforms for better engagement and outcomes.
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