Use and adoption of digital educommunication media by university professors during the Covid-19 pandemic: cases of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and the Autonomous University of Chihuahua



Palabras clave:

Digital media, Digitalization, Educommunication, Educational technology, Technology use, Technology adoption, Higher education, University professors, Digital competences, Skills, University pedagogy, Teaching, Covid-19, Coronavirus, Pandemics, Distance teaching, E-learning


This article analyzes the educational use of digital educommunication media (DEM) by four groups of professors working at the faculties of Philosophy and Letters and of Engineering at the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (UACH) and at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Seven hypotheses and three research questions were posed, which were related to the use of DEM (specifically: images, animations, and video; presentations (PowerPoint/Prezi); digital texts; the Cloud; social media/instant messaging; and email), their qualities and the differences regarding their use, among the different groups studied. A two-phase mixed-methods explanatory sequential approach was employed, with a first phase of quantitative data collection and a second qualitative phase. A stratified sample of 177 professors was selected, which was distributed proportionally between the two selected faculties and universities. All professors completed a 144-item questionnaire in the first phase, and on the basis of their answers, ten professors were selected to be interviewed in the second phase, to ensure the diversity of the interviewed group in terms of sex, age, faculty, and educational level at which they teach, as well as their teaching experience and experience in the use of DEM. Among the results, we found that: a) the choice between using DEM or traditional media in class was not determined by teachers´ perception about their students´ learning with technology; b) the characteristics of each DEM determined its use, but the use of a given DEM was not related to the activities that it could enable; c) the professors exclusively teaching in graduate programs, the younger ones, those from UNAM, or those of Engineering did not present significant differences to their counterparts in terms of their use and assessment of DEM; and d) the qualitative data reaffirmed these trends and helped typify the challenges and opportunities of using DEM, particularly those that arose from the period of the exclusively online education model that was adopted owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Cómo citar

Rey-Ronquillo, R. R., & Machin-Mastromatteo, J. D. (2022). Use and adoption of digital educommunication media by university professors during the Covid-19 pandemic: cases of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and the Autonomous University of Chihuahua. Profesional De La información, 31(6).



Artí­culos de investigación / Research articles