The use of YouTube by the Spanish press: A model to be defined
DOI: clave:
YouTube, Business models, Digital journalism, Digital press, Media, Press, Newspapers, Newspaper companies, Newspaper innovation, Engagement, Multimedia, Audiovisual, Online video, Social media, Youtubers, Spain.Resumen
The instability in the newspaper business model since the emergence of the Internet disrupted the value chain and has led newspapers to turn to videos as an additional source of revenue. YouTube has become the content distribution channel of choice for most newspapers, which benefit from the ability to generate greater traffic in exchange for a blind contract imposed by YouTube´s algorithm. Advertising income from this source is still scarce and depends on engagement, previous user experience, video quality, video reputation and numerous other factors. Based on an analysis of 864 videos over three randomly selected weeks, conclusions are reached, and the consequences of the management of the YouTube channels of six Spanish newspapers are discussed.
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