The role of communication in organizational culture. Is there a pattern in Spanish fashion companies?
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Organizational culture, Organizational communication, Corporate communication, Internal communication, Intangible management, Labour climate, Creative industries, Fashion, Corporate identity, Companies, Managers.Resumen
The link between organizational culture and efficiency has been widely studied in academia as there is great interest in finding out whether strong and balanced cultures lead to better long-term performance. The aim of this article is to carry out a preliminary analysis of the internal culture of the Spanish fashion sector, focusing particularly on communication as a driving force behind this process. With regard to methodology, we opted for applying an initial factor analysis of the opinions of seven experts and a subsequent one with 40 executives and middle managers in the sector. The findings show that the type of culture in the Spanish fashion companies studied, depends on a range of factors, the role of communication being worth highlighting in the case of the experts, while in the case of executives and middle managers, the so-called emotional salary stands out as an important factor.Â
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