Examining The Impact of Information Orientation, Digital Adoption, and Knowledge digitalization In Improving Information Management Practices Among Chinese Firms


  • Naiwen Zhang Law School Huazhong University of Sciences and Technology Wuhan 430070, China



Palabras clave:

Information Orientation, Knowledge Management, Digitalization of Knowledge, Information Management, PLS-SEM, China.


Information orientation in organizations determine success under changing dynamics. It is achieved through several organizational-level dimensions like Information sharing, Technology integration, Data Driven Decision Making, and Network resource acquisition. This research focuses on the role of information orientation (along with its all dimensions), digital adoption, and knowledge digitalization (three independent variables) in enhancing information management practices (dependent variable) through the moderating role of knowledge management (moderating variable). The sample study was collected from different information technology and software-based companies providing valuable services in the local and global markets. A valid sample of 477 questionnaires was used for the analysis section, which covered several statistical methods and procedures. The relationships were examined using the PLS-SEM technique. The study results show that information orientation, network resource acquisition, and digitalization of knowledge are positively connected with the information management practices. The additional results cover the moderating effect of knowledge management among the selected companies, for which the results reflect that it has a significant moderate effect on the relationship between network resource acquisition and information management, digital adoption and information management, and informational orientation and information management. The study claims that by focusing on informational orientation and its dimensions, IT and software companies can boost their informational management practices over a long period.


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Cómo citar

Naiwen Zhang. (2024). Examining The Impact of Information Orientation, Digital Adoption, and Knowledge digitalization In Improving Information Management Practices Among Chinese Firms. Profesional De La información, 33(5). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2024.0511



Artí­culos de investigación / Research articles