Impact of Artificial Intelligence Usage and Technology Competence on Competitive Advantage with Mediating Role of Effective Information Management System


  • Gao Penglong Faculty of Environment and Surveying Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai, Johor, 81310, Malaysia Economic and Management School Hebei University of Architecture Zhang Jiakou, Hebei, 075000, China
  • Mustapa Fara Diva Faculty of Environment and Surveying Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai, Johor, 81310, Malaysia
  • Zhao Xue Economic and Management School Hebei University of Architecture Zhang Jiakou, Hebei, 075000, China
  • Zhou Yangyang Faculty of Architecture and Art Hebei University of Architecture Zhang Jiakou, Hebei, 075000, China


Palabras clave:

AI Usage, Technology Competencies, Competitive Advantage, Effective Information Management System, Manufacturing Industry


Competitive advantage has been considered as the foremost element for the organizational success and this could be achieved using artificial intelligence (AI) and technological competencies. The current study investigates the impact of AI usage and technology competencies on the competitive advantage of manufacturing industries in China. The paper also investigates the mediating role of effective information management system (IMS) among AI usage, technology competencies and competitive advantage. Data was obtained from a sample comprising employees of manufacturing companies through questionnaires. The data reliability and association among variables were measured with SPSSAMOS. The results exposed that the AI usage and technology competencies have a positive nexus with competitive advantage and also revealed that the effective IMS significantly mediates among AI usage, technology competencies and competitive advantage of manufacturing industry in China. The study provides useful insights to the regulators in establishing regulations towards improving competitive advantage, effective AI usage and technology competencies.


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Cómo citar

Gao Penglong, Mustapa Fara Diva, Zhao Xue, & Zhou Yangyang. (2024). Impact of Artificial Intelligence Usage and Technology Competence on Competitive Advantage with Mediating Role of Effective Information Management System. Profesional De La información, 33(5).



Artí­culos de investigación / Research articles