Disinformation and Narrative Building: A Study on Chinese Local Applications
https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2024.0215Palabras clave:
Information Management, Social Media, Narrative Building, Chinese Applications.Resumen
The current research aimed to measure the impact of information source, information channel, information verification,
and information community response on narrative building in China. The motivation of this research was to provide
recommendations to reduce the spread of fake information on social media platforms, which can harm the community.
The population of this study was Chinese, and a sample of 390 respondents was considered for research findings. Partial
Least Square – Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze data. The research empirically confirmed that
information sources, information channels, information verification, and information community response are
significant in narrative building in China. The findings of this research contributed to the inconclusive discussion by the
previous studies in the literature. The study practically recommends the findings focus on information source, channel,
verification, and community response before working on it
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