Press Discourse on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda in Spain: Analysis of the Digital Newspapers with the Highest Readership (2015-2022)
DOI: clave:
SDGs, Agenda 2030, United Nations, Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Digital Press, Media Discourse, Statistical Analysis, Semantic Analysis, Text Mining, Coverage, Slow Journalism, Sustainable JournalismResumen
In September 2015, all UN member states enacted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of the 2030
Agenda. It is a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of people
around the world. This paper aims to determine the most relevant characteristics of the discourse around this plan,
which has been offered by the seven digital newspapers with the highest readership in Spain during the eight years
following the enactment of the initiative. On the one hand, a statistical analysis has been carried out of the number of
pieces of information disseminated, as well as of the entities, industries, regions, themes and people or public agents
most mentioned. On the other hand, a computerised linguistic corpus analysis was carried out, showing the main word
associations made by each newspaper masthead and the length of the respective journalistic pieces. The main results
reveal a generalised increase in the number of news items, especially from 2020 onwards. Furthermore, there is a clear
prominence of the social dimension of sustainability and sustainable development, in contrast to the scarce relevance
of the ecological and environmental aspect in most of the digital newspapers. It is concluded that the Spanish press
discourse on the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda is heterogeneous and, furthermore, that there is currently no example that
fully complies with the values of sustainable journalism. Also, that the coverage of this roadmap does not have longformat journalistic pieces that allow the desirable depth for an adequate explanation of the plan.
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