Communication and crisis in the public space: Dissolution and uncertainty
DOI: clave:
Public space, Public sphere, Polarization, Crisis, Digital communication, Conventional media, Demediatization, Quality of the information, Disinformation, Sustainability, Profession, Professionals, CredibilityResumen
The evolution from a public space such as the one defined throughout the twentieth century -characterised by unidirectionality and political and media intermediation- towards a digital scenario -with multiple actors and multi-directional messages- has not resolved the problems that existed beforehand, and has also generated others. This public space crisis has been aggravated by the fragmentation of audiences, often absorbed into their own echo chamber, and by the dispersion and jumble of voices that are an impediment to any possibility of unravelling the terms of public debate. Faced with enormous challenges such as disinformation, the conventional media, who have traditionally held the responsibility of providing quality information, address these issues from a position of extreme vulnerability, due to the disintegration of the former economic model and social credibility. In a context of uncertainty, crisis, and fragmented public spheres, and there being no alternatives that can guarantee distinct dialogue, the initiation of a social debate that prioritises quality of information is essential.
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