Qualitative approach to the formalization of a professional podcasting culture. Evolution and trends




Palabras clave:

Podcasting, Podcasts, Online audio, Professional culture, Cultural industry, Radio, Professionalization, Audience, Media ecosystem, Platformization, Professional dynamics, Audio culture, Digital, Audio communication


The podcast has expanded as a consumer product within the online audio ecosystem. The term has become popular, and its fame is increasing in the public sphere, whereas its definition and distinct identity, especially with respect to radio, are still being constructed. While different players, including large platforms and multimedia companies, are positioning themselves in this environment, a podcasting culture distinct from the original amateurism is also taking root. The aim of this paper is to explore the extent to which and in what way the routines and practices of creation, production, and distribution have been formalized to determine whether these processes are fostering a specific professional podcasting culture in Spain. Using semistructured in-depth interviews conducted with professionals linked to the podcasting sector, we aim to determine some of the practices that these players are starting to see as well-established within and unique to the industry, as well as those practices that have yet to become established. On the one hand, thanks to the increase in business volume and investment from production and distribution companies, the space for professionalization has been consolidated. The production standards and perceived quality of this audio content have been affirmed. On the other hand, definitions and categories related to this medium´s identity; the requirements with respect to understanding an audience, especially in its qualitative dimension; and the professional profiles and dynamics that must be established remain to be explored.


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Cómo citar

Martí­n-Morán, A., & Martí­n Nieto, R. (2022). Qualitative approach to the formalization of a professional podcasting culture. Evolution and trends. Profesional De La información, 31(5). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2022.sep.17



Artí­culos de investigación / Research articles