Epistemology of mobile journalism. A review
https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2021.ene.03Palabras clave:
Mobile journalism, Epistemology, Journalism, Digital journalism, Mobility, Nobile phones, Smartphones, News, Digital communication, Internet, Apps, Review articleResumen
The fast and global way which has characterized the presence of mobile phones in society has sparked the interest of several sectors of activity, including journalism. From the early stages of production to distribution, and then through the characteristics of content and consumption patterns, numerous changes have been introduced by these mobile devices in an activity that has been undergoing one of the most uncertain moments in its long history. This uncertainty has stemmed from the decrease in income which was caused by the emergence of new competitors, such as the online press and social networks. This bibliographic review aims at identifying the changes caused by smartphones in the production distribution and consumption of news, analyzing its effect on the epistemology of journalism. We attempt to ascertain if the increasing influence of mobile technologies in the journalistic activity has changed its nature, improving the production of knowledge. Upon closer reading of the bibliography, it can be concluded that the versatility of mobile devices has facilitated a set of new possibilities not only for journalists, namely more autonomy and a reduction in the time spent between the event and the publication, but also for consumers, who can do a mobile and personalized consumption on their screens. Due to its ability to continuously adapt to the rhythm of contemporary society, mobile journalism has become more universal and has been confirmed as a form of knowledge insofar as it responds more effectively to consumers´ expectations, in particular young people´s, who are moving away from journalism and thus prevent the generational renewal of readers, something which is fundamental for the media business model.
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